Server Migration: Server migration involves moving a website from one web hosting provider to another while keeping the same website platform (e.g., WordPress, Joomla, Drupal) and domain name. This may be done to take advantage of better hosting performance, features, or pricing.

Platform or CMS Migration: Platform migration involves moving a website from one content management system (CMS) to another. For example, moving a website from WordPress to Drupal or from Joomla to WordPress. This type of migration requires converting the content, design, and functionality to fit the new CMS.

Domain Name Change: A domain name change involves moving a website to a new domain. This may be done due to a rebranding or domain name availability issues. Proper 301 redirects must be set up to ensure that traffic and search engine rankings are redirected from the old domain to the new one.

HTTPS Migration: HTTPS migration involves transitioning a website from HTTP to HTTPS to encrypt data transmission and enhance security. This requires obtaining an SSL/TLS certificate and configuring the website to use HTTPS.

Subdomain or Subdirectory Migration: This type of migration involves moving a portion of the website to a subdomain (e.g., or a subdirectory (e.g., Proper redirects and configurations are necessary to ensure smooth navigation and avoid broken links.

Types of website migrations

Website migration can be a complex task, especially for larger or more complex websites, and it requires careful planning and execution to avoid potential issues or downtime. There are several types of website migrations, each with its own specific requirements.